costureras, df, sismo

2017: September’s Shake in Mexico City

Among all the events that happened during last month’s earthquake in Mexico City, one of the stories that hurt me the most was a building that collapsed with dozens of textile workers in the downtown area.

After a few days of the events, rescue teams had “officially” found 21 bodies, out of which only five were identified, although the real number that could have died or survived is uncertain because the factory hosted an undisclosed number of Asian and south american undocumented immigrants.

Neighbors and workers from the surrounding area estimate there could have been around 60 people. ONG’s have been pledging to have the Government release the information gathered by the rescue teams.

A mass taking place in memory of the victims and missing woman, right aside where the building used to stand.
The motto “Not a single one more buried by corruption” being used by activists and organizations reflect how things work in this country.

How many people where really there? How many were rescued alive? How many died? Where were the survivors taken? A petition to answer these questions is ongoing by Change.Org , for which you can help by signing here.

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Mexican blogger living abroad and writing about experiences of traveling around México, Italy, India and Spain.

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